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This, too, shall pass

I just wrote "This too shall pass" On my whatsapp status and my smart friend made a meme with his selfie and wrote "This shall too pass". I know he made it to tell me that I wrote a broken english. Yup I know, now I'm living in my little hometown while he far away in Sydney where people speak english. But I think I should make it clear with him. It's not a wrong sentence (if it can consider as a sentence). It comes from a beautiful story from medieval levent (Persian, Hebrew and Turkey) around 1200AD.

The proverb means that all material conditions, whether good or bad, are transient. This proverb has the ability to make the happy person sad and the sad person happy because of the realization that both the 'best and worst of times' will soon pass.

Here's the story of a Dervish (tariqat or in China monk travellers, maybe same as " Sufi)

A dervish arrives a village after a long and tiring travel. He asks if there is someone who can accommodate him; someone to give him food and a place to sleep. Villagers say that they are also poor people and their houses are small. And they tell him to go to the farm of someone called Åžakir.

Dervish walks to the farm. On the way to the farm, he encounters a few villagers who mention about Åžakir. He learns that Åžakir is maybe the richest person in these lands, and the second richest is another farm owner called Haddad.

When Dervish reaches the farm of Åžakir, he is welcomed and treated well. Both Åžakir and his family have good hospitality, and they are generous people.

When the time to leave comes, Dervish tells Åžakir, "You should be thankful to the Creator for this wealth." Åžakir replies: "Nothing stays as it is. Sometimes what you see is not the reality. This, too, shall pass."

After leaving the farm, Dervish ponders on these words. A few years later, Dervish comes to that place again. He remembers Åžakir, and decides to visit him. When he asks about Åžakir to the villagers, they reply, "He got really poor, now works for Haddad."

Dervish goes to the farm of Haddad and finds Åžakir. Åžakir now wears old clothes and he looks much older. Because of a flood three years ago, the farm of Åžakir was ruined, so he came to serve Haddad.

Åžakir now hosts him in his humble house and shares his little food with Dervish. Before he bids farewell, Dervish tells Åžakir about how upset he has become over what happened to Åžakir. Åžakir says, "Don't be upset. Remember, this, too, shall pass."

Seven years later, Dervish again comes to the same place. Then he learns that Haddad died a few years ago and left all his property to his loyal servant and best friend Åžakir. Åžakir now owns huge lands and many cattle, and is the richest person in the region again.

When Dervish sees Åžakir, he tells how happy he is to see his friend well. Åžakir again says, "This, too, shall pass."

After a while, Dervish looks for Åžakir again, and they show him a hill. Åžakir's grave is on that hill. And on his grave stone, it is written, "This, too, shall pass."

Dervish thinks to himself, "What is about death that will pass?" and leaves. Next year, he comes back to visit Åžakir's grave but he sees that there is neither a hill nor a grave left because of a flood; no trace left after Åžakir now.

Around that time, Sultan of the country orders a unique ring made for him so that when he is hopeless, the ring will give him hope; and when he is too happy, the ring will remind him not to be complacent. But no one can make such a ring that satisfies the Sultan. Then, servants of Sultan find this wise Dervish, and ask him for help. Dervish writes a short letter to the jeweller of Sultan. A short time later, the ring is presented to Sultan. At first, Sultan doesn't understand what is unique about this ring as it is so plain. Then, he sees the engraving on the ring, and after thinking a little bit, a big smile spreads on his face. On the ring, inscribed are these words, “This, too, shall pass.”

What a beautiful story, rite?

He should know why I write this. But it's me who doesn't want to tell the world about my condition. Like the sultan I just want to have hope whenever I saw this. Because I believe, "This, too, shall pass"

Stay safe and healthy!!!

Source: Quora


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